Blah: - the Bulletin Editors Page.
I will use this page to give information or just comments… if I remember I will change the Button date at each update.


MCM 24th August 24

4. Report of the Hon. Gen. Sec.

TL reported that production of Handbooks for the 2024-25 season had been completed in a timely fashion.  Editorial incompetence was responsible for the failure to incorporate a recent change to the Hon. Treasure’s email address.  Other changes that had occurred since the Handbook was sent to the printer (new secretary at Sutton Coldfield; new venue for Mercia; change of rooms at Birmingham St. George’s) would be circulated by email.

5. Report of the Hon. Treasurer

RC reported that the June rapidplay had yielded a surplus.  The League’s major expenses had either occurred recently (trophy costs and handbooks) or were imminent (insurance – which would be higher then previously due to the increased amount of equipment now owned by the League).


6. Report of the Records Secretary

AW reported that player registrations had started to arrive.  He reminded the meeting that unrated players had to be given an estimated rating and that P ratings weren’t recognised.  Clubs providing estimated ratings should provide as much information as possible to justify the figures.


7. Distribution of Handbooks

Handbooks were distributed to Clubs in attendance.

8. Reports of sub-Committees

a) F&GP – hadn’t met

b) Match – Terry Walker reported via email that, with divisions 4 and 5 at capacity (28 teams), it was likely that three teams instead of two would need to be promoted from these two divisions. In the event of five further teams competing in 2025-26 the League would be able to restart Division 6.

c) Rules – MB had nothing to report

d) Eligibility – activities had been covered in the report of the Hon. Records Secretary


9. Reports of Tournament sub-Committees

a) Individual – RG reported that this would consist, as usual, of six rating-limited sections.  Entries should be sent to him, individually by members or in bulk by clubs, by 1 October.

b) Lightning – JM had nothing to report

c) Rapidplay – no report

d) Online – CE reported that matches were in progress between the BDCL and other online clubs, generally at one move per three days.  He was considering running an internal event at the same speed.  He was still seeking a more enthusiastic candidate to take over the role of chair.

e) Morry-Wood Memorial – PM reported that he had not instigated the election process for Morry-Wood officers so the status quo was unchanged with PM as Controller and Acting Chairman. The formalities should proceed before the next meeting. The changes to the Morry-Wood rules that were agreed at the BDCL AGM would be applied to the 2024-25 competitions, and any further changes would be discussed in time for the 2025-26 competitions.  There was a reduction in the number of judges (to six) due to the resignation of Terry Walker at the AGM. He felt that the sub-committee should consist of about eight members but was working quite well with six experienced members.  He intended to propose a limit to the number of games each player can enter each year for the Best Game prize, but this had to be discuused witht the jusges.

f) Summer – AW reported that the 2024 Summer League had been completed without any disputes.


10. Report of Webmaster

RR reported that a “BDCL online” button had been added to the web site, using material provided by CE.  The Competition Rules and the Constitution pages had been updated to incorporate recent changes.  The pages for individual clubs had also been updated.


There was a brief discussion about the need to collect the date of birth of juniors – TL to talk to Dave Thomas about circumstances in which this information was required.


11. Report of the Rating Officer

Dave Thomas reported via email that all Summer League results had been correctly submitted to the ECF for rating, and that one outstanding club internal event would be dealt with before the month end.


12. Report of the Safeguarding Officer

PS had nothing to report.


13. Reports of the various Delegates

a) ECF – CL reported that the ECF would publish a “safeguarding FAQ” in due course (date TBC).

b) Warwickshire CA – TL had nothing to report

c) Worcestershire CA – Worcestershire had entered two teams in the Minor championship, but both had lost at the quarter-final stage.  The summer cups were in progress. Joe Friar had won the county championship.

d) Staffordshire CA – Stephen Smithson noted that he had taken on the role of MCCU Director of Rating and Counties Championship Controller.  Clubs would (mostly) be interested to know that each of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire would have a team in the under-1650 section in the coming season.  Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Lincolnshire would also have teams in the Minor section (and it was not too late if Warwickshire wanted to enter too).  Some counties would additionally have further teams in other section.  All those interested should follow the MCCU website updates.  All Clubs would have members eligible for at least one team.

15. AOB

TL briefly described the ECF grassroots funding initiative – see


JM announced that a three-section tournament in memory of Keith Escott would be held at Plantsbrook School on 14 & 15 December.



Division Make up for 2024-25
The Match committee met 3 June to finalise the League Make up for Season 2024-25, there were 2 requests, 4 Withdrawals, and 6 new entries, some up drafting was needed to fit all the teams in and satisfy the rule of 14 max per division

West Bromwich the longest running team without a break have withdrawn from the league (Div 2), However Tamworth and District are re-entering the League and will be in Div 2
Shirley and Wythall and Longbridge have entered new teams into Div 5, Warley Quinborne have withdrawn their Div 5 team, Mercia have entered a new team which has been placed in Div 4, Coleshill 5A have been up drafted to Div 4

Rushall 4 were drafted to Div 3 however this was not to the clubs liking and have withdrawn. Lichfield B and Solihull D have been withdrawn from the Minor League, Longbridge and Coleshill have entered the Minor League.

Division Make ups and first round trophy ties can be found here  BDCL-2024-25 (


Honours 2023-24

BDCL Champions Sutton Coldfield win their tenth League Champions Title

Division ❷Champions South Birmingham A

Division ❸ Champions Solihull

Division ❹ Champions Redditch

Division ❺ Champions Longbridge

Division Minor Champions Solihull B

Terrill Trophy Winners Stourbridge 3

Townshend Trophy Winners Redditch 4

Homer Trophy Winners Warley Quinborne 2A

Barrington Trophy Winners Solihull 5

Individual Open Winner

Individual 1900 Winner

Individual 1750 Winner

Individual 1600 Winner

Individual 1450 Winner

Individual 1300 Winner


April 13th 2024

Birmingham & District Summer League BDSL  

Rapid Play

Hello everyone, it's that time again,
Tournament and Rules are mainly the same as previous, (A limit of 11 team per section has been Introduced)
Four Divisions, 4 players per Team, 20 minutes + 10 sec per move 2 Matches per round Alternate Colours

Starting 7th May to Aug 1st IF need be (13 weeks max of 11 teams per section, (Max ten Fixtures) B teams will be dropped if they prevent a different club joining,
May Rapid Grades. The reason for this is the current May grade will be shown on LMS and I will not have to manually enter every April one.

Send team entries to me (Summer League Chairman) AFTER 13th April 24 and before Mid-night 2nd May 24 a first come, first served basis

(This will allow clubs to see the player's May grade), which you will mainly know if you look at the player's ECF OTB rapid history beforehand
Entry fee £5 per team Paid to BDCL Treasurer (Richard) by 31st May Please


Division One Open

Division Two 7400 max, average 1850 (minimum 1550)

Division Three 6600 max, average 1650 (minimum 1350)

Division Four 5800 max, average 1450 (minimum 1150)

Board order 100Pts max

You can play lower graded players but they will count as the minimum for the Division

Check Rules Doc for more details

Let me know Details of Ungraded or P graded Players so we can estimate them.....
I know this may go on too long for some, but the Majority seem okay with it, and the grade tolerance in each section allows teams scope for change, so we will see how it pans out again this year.
I will populate the button below for details as I get them


Thank You in advance for your support

Alan, BDCLRecords


Jan 1st 2024

Today sees the release of the ECF January grades, which we will be using for Board order in the second half of the season.

Can all club secretaries / captains of teams, Please re-estimate any Non ECF K graded players, whose grade may have changed more than 50Pts since first being estimated.

This will also be used for the Second half of the season or until a ECF grade is acquired


LMS Verified

Can teams Please make sure all matches have been verified on the LMS site within 5 days of playing, Should anyone needing a login please email the Records Secretary (me) who will arrange it.

The LMS from the Start of the Season will Display August Grades; these will be refreshed in January.

 Use the August (start) then January (Midway) grades, for Board order. Players who gain a K or A grade should use this immediately it is known.


Honours 2022-23

BDCL Champions Solihull

Division ❷Champions Redditch

Division ❸ Champions Rushall

Division ❹ Champions Kynoch

Division Champions ❺ South Birmingham

Division Minor Champions Coleshill

Terrill Trophy Winners Sutton Coldfield-1

Townshend Trophy Winners South Birmingham-5

Homer Trophy Winners Sutton Coldfield-2

Barrington Trophy Winners South Birmingham-4

Individual Open Winner Shared

Individual 1900 Winner Rob Glass South Birmingham

Individual 1750 Winner Bruno Silva South Birmingham

Individual 1600 Winner Thomas Vanes Coleshill

Individual 1450 Winner Sam Fowlkes

Individual 1300 Winner Chaniru Ranasinghe



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